A chemical packaging vent is essential because it plays a key role in maintaining the integrity of the chemical storage container. Without the right venting solutions, an array of problems and challenges might arise.
If chemical storage containers are left sealed for a long time, toxic fumes or vapours might form, which might cause the storage container to expand and eventually cause an explosion. This explosion might sometimes result in a thermal runaway heat due to a cascade of exothermic reactions.
In addition, when these chemical storage containers are shipped from one place to another, the temperature and altitude fluctuations may cause a pressure differential. With the right venting solution, this pressure can be equalised. This ensures that the containers do not deform and sprout up leakages.
To ensure that the packaging vents you choose work as intended, a few key parameters should be taken into account, such as product compatibility, airflow requirements, and packaging design and size.
Read the below section to discover how these factors play a significant role in the venting efficiency of the chemical storage container system!
The most important thing to look out for is whether the packaging vent being used is compatible with the contents of the storage containers. Below is a list of reasons why this is essential:
Chemical storage containers are susceptible to heavy environmental fluctuations. With temperature and altitude fluctuations, the pressure in the system also changes. A pressure buildup can cause the system to explode.
Sometimes, a vacuum might also be created when the containers cool down or if the products are dispensed partially. This might lead to an internal collapse of the container.
However, with proper airflow in vents, the pressure can be equalised, thus preventing pressure and vacuum buildup in the system and ensuring the storage container’s performance remains the same.
Some chemicals often produce gases and vapours, and if there is no airflow in vents, this gas buildup can also cause an increase in pressure, leading to blasts and fires. Therefore, the venting solution requirements change based on the amount of vapours and gases these chemicals release over a period of time.
Lastly, the product’s shelf life can be extended with proper and selective airflow in vents. Without adequate ventilation, the storage containers may deform and sprout leakages.
The cracks in the container will then expose the chemical contents to the atmosphere, leading to contamination and, in some cases, toxic byproducts, which pose severe human and environmental hazards, may form.
The containers’ dimensions, shape and packaging design are fixed and present themselves as a major constraint on the type of packaging vents that can be used. Containers that have complex geometries or have limited space available require small vents that are flexible and versatile.
There are various kinds of vents, such as a cap seal vent and a disc-shaped vent, and their applicability depends on the system geometry and design.
Additionally, the aesthetics of the vents also play a crucial role because if the venting solutions used make the system look unattractive or hideous, manufacturers might be reluctant to use them.
Lastly, the vents should be easy to install and should facilitate any maintenance procedures in the future. This is because taking care of these aspects makes the venting solution more viable as the installation and maintenance costs are reduced.
Chemical packaging containers need extra precautions to ensure they do not precipitate into a hazard for their surroundings. Fortunately, PorVent® solutions can tackle all the challenges faced by these containers.
PorVent® fabricates vents from PTFE material, which can make containers breathable by allowing a bidirectional flow of air. This ensures that there is no gas buildup in the storage containers. In addition, these vents also allow pressure equalisation 24/7, maintaining the container’s performance and integrity.
PTFE membranes are also inert in nature and hence are compatible with almost every chemical; therefore, you no longer have to worry about the possibility of a reaction between the vents and the chemical contents!
PorVent® vents and porous PTFE discs are versatile, which means they can be used anywhere from large containers to small heat sealable pouches without significantly changing the packaging design!
Choosing the right venting solutions is essentially becoming one step closer to securing the chemical packaging containers and ensuring that those in the vicinity of these containers are also safeguarded.
Always remember to check the product compatibility and the ability of the vents to allow sufficient bidirectional airflow. This will not only help in improving safety but also ensure that potential financial losses are prevented!
With the evolution of technology, PTFE vents emerge as a promising solution for safeguarding chemical storage containers. These vents can ensure that all the criteria on your checklist are met, and if you are eager to learn more about these vents, check out PorVent®’s website!